Hair loss can be hereditary or may result from an illness or operation below, or may be due to a hormonal disorder important. Pour all the hair of our daily lives, and if you comb or brush your hair will hair loss. However, when you begin to notice that more hair is coming away after shampooing or brush your hair than normal, then it is time to treat your hair falls out.
You may find that a course of tablets of brewer 's yeast to help. Also, check your diet, including plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, cut into stimulants such as coffee, tea and alcohol, and drink plenty of fresh water. Check your hair care habits, making sure that you are not using hair dryers too.
When shampooing your hair, add a beaten egg with a small amount of the mixture each time you wash your hair. Do not use hot water or the egg stirred. Leave this on as long as possible, at least some minutes, if you're under the shower or bath, before clarifying out.
Include a weekly treatment of a protein conditioner. After shampooing with conditioning shampoo, use a suitable hair conditioner and a final explanation for the falling hair.
shampoo 200ml soap base (see below)
jojoba oil 5ml
oil 6 drops of rosemary
chamomile oil 4 drops
Prepare shampoo soap under then add essential oils and mingle thoroughly.
This is an excellent shampoo when you need to make enough for the whole family. Use only soap flakes or pure soap shampoo suitable for this, long-lasting.
2 liters of water
100g soap flakes or pure soap, grated fine
Lemon juice
Bring water to boil, then reduce to a simmer and add the soap flakes or grated soap. Return the mixture to boil and stir continuously until the soap has dissolved. Remove from heat, add lemon juice and stir until well mixed. Let the mixture cool, then embotéllela is a wide-body of the jar like container. Lemon juice can be omitted in favor of essential oils, if you want. If you use essential oils, add about 10 drops to every 100ml of this base.
The mixture is gel and can be lumpy when left for some time. Simple vigorous shaking or beat up in a mixer.
20ml conditioning base (see underneath)
30ml hazelnut oil
30ml almond oil
10 drops evening primrose oil
5 drops rosemary oil.
Melt the base, the oil of hazelnut and almond oil conditioning together in a saucepan heat half double. When licuefecho completely, remove from heat, let cool and stir in essential oils.
Apply conditioner to the hair, working inside gently with your fingers. Leave 10 minutes before ignition clarify outwards. End the following clarification of pH, giving massage gently through your hair.
Put the cocoa butter in a double saucepan over heat and melt half. When licuefecho completely, add the remaining ingredients and stir until melted and blended. Remove from heat and pour into a glass jar sterilized wide-articulated.
1 tablespoon cider vinegar
1 liters water
3 drops rosemary oil
3 drops lavender oil
Mix all ingredients thoroughly and then apply conditions and to clarify their hair, giving massage gently into the scalp and hair. Repeat several times to ensure good coverage and penetration.
Conditioning of PROTEIN
20ml almond oil
20ml wheatgerm oil
20ml glycerin
10ml cider vinegar
3 drops rosemary oil
3 drops carrot oil
2 eggs
Place all ingredients in a ceramic bowl and Batal until thoroughly mixed. After shampooing, apply the mixture, working well in the hair, then cover with a shower cap. Leave for 20 minutes, then shampoo out using warm water not to stir the egg. To finish, use your clarification of conditions.
Remember that hair is kept healthy by maintaining a balanced diet and doing proper exercise. Also remember that most people put on your hair is usually an unknown chemical cocktail that can have questionable results. Taking this natural approach, using non-detergent based shampoos with its own mix of herbs or oils will ensure you get the best results.
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